Sunday, April 7, 2013

LAD #37 Brown v. Board of Education

In the 1950s, there was still much racial segregation in schools, that did not allow blacks and whites to be taught together. Linda Brown, a third grader in Kansas was forced to walk 1 mile everyday to get to her black school, even thought the white school was very close. Later, her father tried to enroll her in the white elementary school, however the principle did not allow it. He then went to the NAACP and they were eager to help. In the district court, the NAACP argued that the blacks not being able to go to the same schools as the white makes them feel inferior, thus no longer have an "separate but equal" feel. On the other side, the BOE fought that they were preparing the black kids for the segregation they would have later in life. Because of the unfair ruling, Brown and the NAACP appealed to the supreme court. After a long time in the decision making of the court, they struck down the "Separate but equal" idea of the Plessy v. Ferguson. This was the first steps into desegregating schools.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

LAD 36 - Truman Doctrine

On March 12 1947, President Harry Truman addressed Congress on behalf of the raising tensions of communism. He states the economic help needed from Greece and Turkey and it is the utmost importance to help them in order to contain the threat of communism. He states how they, especialy Greece is troubled by the economic conditions from World War II. He explains how the Greek government is not strong enough to defend themselves from communism and America is the only democratic nation that can help them. The nations that are falling and are close to Soviet Russia need our attention desperatly, and it is very important for America to turn our attension to the Greeks immediatly. He asks congress for  $400,000,000 in order to assist Greece and Turkey, he also asks for resources in which he can help them as swiftly as possible. Truman ends his address by saying "The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms". Thus although he never says the word "containment", this is the start of America's new foreign policy of containing the threat of communism.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LAD 35 Executive Order 9066

In Roosevelt's Executive order 9066, he states that they need to be against the espionage act and other acts that have led the the espionage act. He asks the Secretary of War and the Military Commander to be in charge of this operation. He continues to state that there are some necessary provisions such as medical care needs to be accessed in order for this to go on smoothly. However he does not want to go against the Executive Order 8972 and it will not stop the work of the FBI. He ends his order by stating the date and the placement of this issue. Although he didnt speak about the Japanese people, he does make his argument clear.

Monday, March 11, 2013

LAD #34 FDR's Declaration of War

FDR begins his address by stating that the United States was attacked on December 7th 1941, the day prior. He speaks of the peace between Japan and the US prior and how he felt that this was abruptly changed. After meeting with the Japanese government and speaking about this peace, the Japanese bombed Honolulu. He continued to talk about the past relationship with japan and figured that they must have been planning this attack for a while. America was upset that the Japanese went against their will and their peaceful  times and attacked America. He concludes by asking congress to declare war on Japan, this opened War and brought America into the second world war.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

LAD #33 FDR's First Inaugural Address

During the social and economic boom of the 1920s, the political side of the president HardeningCoolidgeHoover, took a more lazzi faire approach. After "black Tuesday  and Hoovers lack of effort, Americans were ready for a change. Franklin D. Roosevelt  Teddy Roosevelt's 5th cousin, came into office at a rock bottom time in American history. FDR had the hard task of bringing america out of this depression. In Roosevelt's Inaugural Address, Roosevelt is very optimistic about America coming back strong. Roosevelt said, "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Roosevelt delivers his plan in order to have america jump back up, the New Deal. He embodies the idea of government regulation and no more lazzi faire approach. He plans to employ all those who are unemployed by the creation of government projects. Roosevelt came out as a strong man and a man that has come to answer each and every Americans wishes. And he assured America that everything will be back to normal soon.

LAD #32 Kellogg Briand Peace Pact

In 1928 the Kellogg Briand Peace Pact was approved by the United States Senate and President Calvin Coolidge. This pact was created by Coolidge's secretary of state, Frank Kellogg and the French foreign minister Briand. This pact was one of those things that sound really good on paper, but when they come to mean something, it would not work. It outlawed war as a foreign policy except for measures of defense. This pact contained some remnants of President Wilson's 14 points, however although this was pasted it would have created a "too ideal" world. Unfortunately like, "Cool Cal's" presidency this pact made little impact because of failed attempt to keep away war, (Due to the outbreak of World War 2).

Sunday, February 3, 2013

LAD 31 Wilson's 14 Points

At the close of World War 1, on January 8th 1918, Wilson gave his 14 points. These points were meant to reassure the people that the war was needed and was promoted to promote peace and prevent another world war. Wilson wanted to promote the countries unity in order to prosper. A summary of the fourteen points follows:
1.  Public Diplomacy rather than private/secret.
2. Freedom of the seas during war and peace
3. Equal Trade conditions
4. A reduce of the size of National armies
5. Readjust the colonial claims
6. Evacuation of Russian Territory in order to create peace prosperity
7.  Evacuation of Belgium in order to restore it.
8. Freedom of French Territory
9. Adjust Italy Territory.
10. For the people of Austria-Hungry to have free opportunities
11. Montenegro, Romania and Serbia to be evacuated and restored
12. Minorities in Turkey protected and a free passage of ships in Dardanelles
13. Poland Independence
14. League of Nations formed in order to avoid any future conflict