Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #28 Wilson's First Inaugrual Address

Woodrow Wilson was elected president in 1912, and his first part of his address, addressed the recent changes in government and the new laws that stopped business corruption. Wilson, being a democrat was thrilled with the fact that mostly democrats held federal power, and thrilled by the success of his party. Wilson tells all Americans that he will take a fresh start in governing America, and it is the utmost important to keep it strong. Wilson pushes that America is a great country with a great moral standing, it is is important to stay away from the evil in the outside world. While America was bombing industrially, the American Government took a step back, and it is the utmost importance to have to government intervening. Wilson finishes his speech exclaiming that the Americans need to realize the costs and effects of industrialization  in order to create a better country.

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