Friday, September 7, 2012

LAD/Blog #2: Peter Zenger

1. Who was John Peter Zenger?
John Peter Zenger
      John Peter Zenger, a publisher of a newspaper in New York, came to North America from Germany in 1710. In his newspaper he was critical of the royal governor. Because he did this, he was sent to prison and at his trail he was defended by Andrew Hamilton. After Hamilton plead the case to the Jury, the Jury declared him not guilty. 

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.
               The readers of the newspaper, believed that Zenger was speaking the truth, and not telling lies. This lead to the people questioning Zenger being charged. Hamiltion, spoke to the Jury directly, convincing them that he was in fact telling the truth, and if he was telling the truth, why should he be punished. With that, Zenger was not guilty.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?
          Zenger's trail, had great influence on the American legal system, Lawyers now were seeing a new outcome for libel or the punishment for print cases. This case made the people and the lawyers see more and more libel cases having a new outcome.

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.
            This trail, had a lasting significance on not only Americans, but it was the start to freedom of the press. Also, this case made more and more people write the truth, as they see it, in the paper without worrying about the consequence. After the trail, newspapers, all over, could now criticize whoever and whatever, as long as it was true.


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