Sunday, September 16, 2012

LAD/Blog #3- Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence
1. Democratic Principles-
     The Declaration of Independence was a major stepping stone, to help American reach the democracy we live in today. A majority of the Declarations lists democratic principles that still exist today. Thomas Jefferson's ideas of the "unalienable rights", life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Also the idea that the government is responsible to making sure the people have this rights. Another principle would be the government always considering and doing things based on the needs of the people. The government is chosen by the people, and the people have the right to alter or abolish the government if it is becoming destructive.

2. Handful of Grievances-
     All of the grievances, point out something that Great Britain has done, to upset the colonists or make the colonists feel inferior to their Mother Country. Most of them a political in nature and resemble what the colonists do not want. Some of the grievances include, Britain not doing what is necessary for the colonies as a whole, governors not being allowed to pass laws, dissolved any Representatives of the colonists, and keeping armies in the colonists even though it was a time of peace.Near the end of this section, Jefferson, blames the British for all of the problems and even says "destroyed the lives of our people". This truly, represents the hatred to the British and the colonists stating they are their own people, and no longer relate to the British. 
Signing the Declaration

3. The Conclusion-
     The conclusion, explains how the United States can no longer live the way the British expect them to live. It also explains why there is no way the United States can be run by the British because of the distance and difference between the two nations. And finally, it specifically says, "United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States;", completely declaring their independence from Great Britain.


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