Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD #11/ Seneca Falls Declaration

Seneca Falls Declaration
   On July 19th, 1848, the Seneca Falls Declaration was declared during the Seneca Falls Convention. This convention's main goal was to give woman equality with men. The Declaration is split up into two parts. Part one, states what I like to call "The New heading of the Constitution." Within it, it states "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal", in the original part of the constitution, it merely states that all men are created equal. It continues to include that woman are entitled to all rights that men have. Throughout history, woman have realized their unequal treatment and are finally commanding change. It states many of the different occasions when woman were not given equal rights. Some include, he never allowed her to have a voice under the law, he has taken all property, he has forbid her from divorce  unless he so wishes divorce, and many more. The woman, are rightfully sharing their unhappiness with the way they have been treated over the past hundred or more years. After stating these facts, it goes on to state reasons on how these problems can be resolved. Resolving these issues would be very simple, if all men came to realize and understand that woman are men's equal. The woman pushed for equality because woman are capable of standing up to the men. Finally, it states that it is all woman's duty to promote themselves, and be given the education their "brother" receives. It ends with all woman's rights should not be withheld, and this would end the fighting between the men and woman. 

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