Sunday, November 11, 2012

LAD #13/ John Calhoun's Speech

In 1850, John Calhoun addresses the senate about the issue disrupting the United Nation, Slavery. Calhoun suggests that the sectionalism that had been arising, and more importantly the major issue of Slavery, will soon disrupt the nature of the United Nation, and create a disunite nation. Calhoun's main goal was to unite the north and south and the different political parties, in order to create a stronger union then before. The North, were always at the advantage because of their greater population, and more states, thus giving them more control in the government. Where the south had a smaller population, because the slaves didn't count, and less sates, giving them a weaker hold of the federal government. The North, having a greater hold of the government, were able to show their disapproval of slavery to the south, and even attempt to stop slavery all together. This is where the disputes arose, on whoever had the most power in the government. Calhoun continues to say the only way to create a united union was for the North to give the South their rights in the newly acquired territory, return all of the fugitive slaves to the south, and end the disapproval of slavery. In the end, although the north would not agree, would create a equal north and south, and would decrease any threat of succession.

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